Change Log ed. 123

Posted by [Admin] MacmillaN at 06 Jun 2016, 19:46:12

Bug fixes:
- Solved an issue with 5 rank Attack check on Free Kills.
- Solved an issue with Resources not being correctly grouped together.

Change Log ed. 122

Posted by [Admin] fly at 01 Jun 2016, 08:35:28

- Images (empires/users) are now automatically optimized (progressive) (instead of manually)

Bug fixes:
- Attack check on more than 5 ranks different now works (Freekills still excluded)

Change Log ed. 121

Posted by [Admin] fly at 23 May 2016, 08:48:05

- Damaged buildings now get automatically repaired by 1% every half hour
- Retracting request to join raid group now possible
- Vacation now cheaper but no longer available for empire leaders

Bug fixes:
- Attack link on profile now fills in name
- Wrong event when buddying someone
- Accepting people now works in requests raid groups
- Sending multiple requests to join raid group no longer possible

Change Log ed. 120

Posted by [Admin] MacmillaN at 01 Apr 2016, 12:14:03

Ability to drop members from your empire

Bug fixes:
Placed Restrictions on the events the Guest account can access
Witness Event was incorrect
HTML error within Raid History
Changed slight wording within Skills (Parry/Shield Blocking)