Posted by [Admin] fly at 27 Jun 2016, 08:36:08
On July 30th at 09:00 (SK Time) we will reset the game! After 2 years (with some downtime) we think Sacred-Knights.Net is ready for a new start. We managed to fix alot of small issues and got some large features working properly now.
What does the reset mean for you?
We will kill all living characters! (Names from this version will not be able to be used for next) Current cities and the buildings there, will be reset. All kinds of rewarding will be randomized again. Statistics are being reset.
But we are not gonna sit still after the reset! Just a week ago we introduced our referral system (which you can already use now to earn shop credits). PS. These credits & ongoing referrals will transfer to next version automatically (so refer away already!). (And thanks for the 6 referrals already done by you guys!)
But that's not everything on the planning:
- Responsive design (to improve the experience especially for mobile)
- Tutorial: how to start playing SK
- Artificial characters (fun to play with or just kill)
- Pet skill/training system
- More balancing & improving of current functionality
Just a little insight into what our backlog (highest priority ideas) looks like! Ofcourse if you have great ideas yourself, don't hesitate to contact us!
We hope you all enjoyed this version (final version stats will be generated soon!) and help us make next version the best in Sacred-Knights.Net history!
The Sacred-Knights.Net Team
PS. As a thank you, all players of current version will also get a nice reward that can be used in the next
Posted by [Admin] MacmillaN at 21 Jun 2016, 13:56:59
We finally bring you a Refer a friend! system for Sacred Knights!
You gain a referral if people start playing after visiting your profile page in return you both will gain a reward for doing so once the referred user has reached rank 7 or higher, you both will gain 100 shop credit bonus.
You can Refer an unlimited amount of users!- But you only gain rewards from people that don't have an account yet!
Posted by [Admin] MacmillaN at 21 Jun 2016, 01:19:40
Change Log ed. 125
- Higher/Lower within Gambling has been re-added, Due to code re-write and new rules added.
Bug fixes:
- Quite a few features had minor errors - Due to code re-write.
- Unable to manage Member message within Empire Management.
- Random Travelling Event Fix - Only sending users to London.
- Page Loading issue on Deed Completion.
- Upgrading professions Fix.
- Buddy-list fix - Dead users, still showing waiting to accept.
- Adjusted time in-game, due to certain pages showing 24-hour or 12-hour time.
- Fixed a negative amount of coins issue.
- Fixed a timer issue.
- Fixed an issue within Chat - Shouts over 198 characters gave an error message.
Posted by [Admin] MacmillaN at 07 Jun 2016, 12:20:31
- Minor tweaks to the mobile layout. *coming more soon*
- Rarity of an item now shown in inventory lists
Bug fixes:
- Invited or requesting to join raid members no longer shown in progress on completion of a raid
- Solved an issue within City Management, which occurred due code being re-written.