Posted by [Admin] fly at 12 Mar 2014, 09:11:52
- Child links can be given away to facebook friends that play SK
- Child links that are not given away can be used by both parents upon new character creation
- you can now divorce
- couples can now make children
Posted by [Admin] fly at 11 Mar 2014, 07:58:20
- Leatherworking crafting finished
- boat cronjob (for travelling with docks)
- docks completed
372 different items in the database now!
Posted by [Admin] fly at 10 Mar 2014, 08:49:54
- gave all deeds completion rewards
- bugfix item deed reward
- fixed all gem resources (split in 4 types of gems for specific item crafting professions)
- tanning of skins into leather
- improving leatherworking items
Posted by [Admin] fly at 07 Mar 2014, 11:32:54
Bug fixes:
- equiping shield while dual wielwing fix
- travel message fix (when toll bridge)
- moat event message fixes
- no confirm bug in shop fix
- fixed chat
- fixed equiping/unequiping in view item screen
- event count when leaving/disbanding empire fix
- event posting to facebook fix