Project One

Neutral Nobody [0]
Latest achievements
Neutral was achieved at 14 Nov 2016, 20:35:48.
Your first neutral action!
You can now use the title: Neutral Project One
Your first neutral action!
You can now use the title: Neutral Project One
First construction job! was achieved at 14 Nov 2016, 20:35:24.
You have helped out on a construction for the first time!
You have helped out on a construction for the first time!
First trip was achieved at 14 Nov 2016, 20:35:19.
You traveled for the first time!
You traveled for the first time!
Evil was achieved at 14 Nov 2016, 20:14:00.
Your first evil action!
You can now use the title: Evil Project One
Your first evil action!
You can now use the title: Evil Project One