lady Beau

Mean Thief [5]
Latest achievements
Tax Assessor was achieved at 24 Jul 2016, 20:04:49.
50,000 coins collected with taxing!
You can now use the title: Tax Assessor lady Beau
50,000 coins collected with taxing!
You can now use the title: Tax Assessor lady Beau
Wicked was achieved at 21 Jul 2016, 19:37:52.
Your evil actions have earned you 1,000 evil alignment rating!
You can now use the title: Wicked lady Beau
Your evil actions have earned you 1,000 evil alignment rating!
You can now use the title: Wicked lady Beau
Free was achieved at 10 Jul 2016, 21:27:49.
Your neutral actions have earned you 1,000 neutral alignment rating!
You can now use the title: lady Beau the free
Your neutral actions have earned you 1,000 neutral alignment rating!
You can now use the title: lady Beau the free
Gatherer was achieved at 06 Jul 2016, 19:52:53.
You have gathered 100 resources!
You can now use the title: lady Beau the gatherer
You have gathered 100 resources!
You can now use the title: lady Beau the gatherer
One-week was achieved at 04 Jul 2016, 11:20:09.
You have played 7 days!
You have played 7 days!