Sweet Beau

Neutral Fisherman [3]
Latest achievements
Gatherer was achieved at 10 Feb 2021, 09:57:41.
You have gathered 100 resources!
You can now use the title: Sweet Beau the gatherer
You have gathered 100 resources!
You can now use the title: Sweet Beau the gatherer
Divine was achieved at 08 Feb 2021, 20:36:05.
Your good actions have earned you 10,000 good alignment rating!
You can now use the title: Sweet Beau the divine
Your good actions have earned you 10,000 good alignment rating!
You can now use the title: Sweet Beau the divine
First cast was achieved at 05 Feb 2021, 15:18:20.
You have cast a spell!
You have cast a spell!
First skill was achieved at 04 Feb 2021, 22:39:21.
You have completed the first level of your first skill!
You have completed the first level of your first skill!
First tax was achieved at 04 Feb 2021, 17:33:49.
First time tax collected!
First time tax collected!