Lemonade girl II

Mean Nobody [0]
The Lady Lemonade of Legends of S-K
Latest achievements
One-week was achieved at 20 May 2018, 18:42:25.
You have played 7 days!
You have played 7 days!
Raider was achieved at 11 May 2018, 17:11:30.
You have completed 50 raids!
You can now use the title: Raider Lemonade girl II
You have completed 50 raids!
You can now use the title: Raider Lemonade girl II
First raid was achieved at 07 May 2018, 14:08:04.
You have completed your first raid!
You have completed your first raid!
First resource was achieved at 05 May 2018, 04:47:52.
You have worked hard to gather your first resource!
You have worked hard to gather your first resource!
Good was achieved at 05 May 2018, 04:46:36.
Your first good action!
You can now use the title: Good Lemonade girl II
Your first good action!
You can now use the title: Good Lemonade girl II