Pika Pika

Neutral Fisherman [3]
The Dead Pokewalker of Legends of S-K
Latest achievements
Raider was achieved at 11 May 2018, 08:09:39.
You have completed 50 raids!
You can now use the title: Raider Pika Pika
You have completed 50 raids!
You can now use the title: Raider Pika Pika
One-week was achieved at 30 Apr 2018, 04:09:50.
You have played 7 days!
You have played 7 days!
First skill was achieved at 27 Apr 2018, 17:21:26.
You have completed the first level of your first skill!
You have completed the first level of your first skill!
First trip was achieved at 27 Apr 2018, 03:05:57.
You traveled for the first time!
You traveled for the first time!
Wicked was achieved at 25 Apr 2018, 23:43:35.
Your evil actions have earned you 1,000 evil alignment rating!
You can now use the title: Wicked Pika Pika
Your evil actions have earned you 1,000 evil alignment rating!
You can now use the title: Wicked Pika Pika