Miss K8

Neutral Fisherman [3]
Latest achievements
Crusader was achieved at 12 Dec 2017, 15:57:08.
You have completed 2000 raids!
You can now use the title: Crusader Miss K8
You have completed 2000 raids!
You can now use the title: Crusader Miss K8
First skill was achieved at 23 Nov 2017, 07:41:15.
You have completed the first level of your first skill!
You have completed the first level of your first skill!
First tax was achieved at 24 Oct 2017, 16:46:11.
First time tax collected!
First time tax collected!
One-week was achieved at 27 Jul 2017, 12:09:05.
You have played 7 days!
You have played 7 days!
Savior was achieved at 17 Jul 2017, 18:08:16.
You have completed 250 raids!
You can now use the title: Miss K8 the Savior
You have completed 250 raids!
You can now use the title: Miss K8 the Savior