

Angelic Prophet [9]

Prodigious of Wizard of Fortune


FIRST SEEN06 Apr 2017, 19:51:55
LAST SEEN30 Aug 2017, 01:38:50
MARRIEDWicked Kjell Kritik

Other statistics

ACHIEVEMENTS47 out of 182


Married to the sexiest naked Viking who ever dared to streak through the box ;)

Returning from a long time ago...

She wanders back into the streets of Dover after having been lost in the forests outside the touch of humans. Her eyes are the colour of sapphires, her hair the colour of dried winter wheat. Her skin the pale cream of an Abalone Shell with a flash of colour which danced in the sunlight. She was human or so she knew, but she was not like any human she had ever seen. She hoped as she wandered into the town that she could find someone who would befriend her and help her on her quest to become an honourable knight.

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Builder (trait)
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Trainer (trait)
improves jousting, racing & pet arena battling

Latest achievements

Legendary Tax Assessor was achieved at 30 Aug 2017, 01:27:36.
2,500,000 coins collected with taxing!
Swift was achieved at 16 Aug 2017, 13:22:01.
Complete 10 races on the horsetrack!
You can now use the title: Tourmaline_Queen the swift
Righteous was achieved at 26 Jul 2017, 03:20:51.
Your good actions have earned you 100,000 good alignment rating!
You can now use the title: Righteous Tourmaline_Queen
Expert Farmer was achieved at 20 Jul 2017, 20:46:08.
You have completed level 3 farming!
All work no play was achieved at 18 Jul 2017, 14:13:59.
You have gathered 1000 resources!