Today's stats:
All time stats:
items crafted | 5 |
Announcements made | 41 |
Arena fights | 239 |
Attack witnesses | 126 |
Attacks failed | 592 |
Betted on blackjack | 689,654,300 |
Betted on higher/lower | 482,319,900 |
Blackjack payout | 579,076,350 |
Blackjacks | 42 |
Boats taken | 326 |
Boats taken to Dublin | 89 |
Boats taken to Liverpool | 116 |
Boats taken to York | 121 |
Businesses boosted during travels | 269 |
Ceremonies attended | 4 |
Characters born | 302 |
children made | 28 |
Coins earned raiding | 2,083,780 |
Coins given by will | 2,941,103,870 |
Coins lost on GAN | 2,005,155,454 |
Coins paid to construction workers | 7,504,800 |
Coins put on arena battles | 26,571,435,288 |
Coins put on horse races | 794,803 |
Coins put on jousts | 4,800 |
Coins put on rock, paper, scissors | 1,563,600 |
Coins received for selling items on the streets | 7,510,809,865 |
Coins received for selling resources on the street | 12,905,716 |
Coins spent in Birmingham shops | 359,854,019 |
Coins spent in Boston shops | 351,229,133 |
Coins spent in Bristol shops | 276,701,183 |
Coins spent in Carlisle shops | 3,602,078,689 |
Coins spent in Cork shops | 221,419,957 |
Coins spent in Dover shops | 2,951,413,056 |
Coins spent in Dublin shops | 75,508,292 |
Coins spent in Liverpool shops | 442,491,317 |
Coins spent in London shops | 1,437,748,741 |
Coins spent in Norwich shops | 93,272,427 |
Coins spent in shops | 9,811,716,814 |
Coins spent on skills | 20,304,500 |
Coins spent on work licenses | 9,618,300 |
Coins stolen | 150,262,673 |
Coins won with GAN | 675,098,149 |
Condolence registers signed | 8 |
Conversations replies made | 15,938 |
Conversations started | 1,407 |
Counter attacks | 12 |
Deed levels completed | 353 |
Divorces | 4 |
Dungeon breakout contributers | 58 |
Dungeon breakouts | 54 |
Dungeon visits from Evil deed 1 | 1,771 |
Dungeon visits from Evil deed 2 | 225 |
Dungeon visits from Evil deed 3 | 288 |
Dungeon visits from Evil deed 4 | 118 |
Dungeon visits from Evil deed 5 | 60 |
Dungeon visits from Good deed 1 | 1,095 |
Dungeon visits from Good deed 2 | 75 |
Dungeon visits from Good deed 3 | 60 |
Dungeon visits from Good deed 4 | 20 |
Dungeon visits from Good deed 5 | 4 |
Dungeon visits from Neutral deed 1 | 925 |
Dungeon visits from Neutral deed 2 | 122 |
Dungeon visits from Neutral deed 3 | 81 |
Dungeon visits from Neutral deed 4 | 43 |
Dungeon visits from Neutral deed 5 | 33 |
Empire events occured | 844 |
Empires disbanded | 10 |
Empires started | 17 |
Events occured | 17,713 |
Fabled items crafted | 270 |
Failed sales | 37 |
Failures on Evil deed 1 | 3,398 |
Failures on Evil deed 2 | 899 |
Failures on Evil deed 3 | 1,274 |
Failures on Evil deed 4 | 999 |
Failures on Evil deed 5 | 505 |
Failures on Good deed 1 | 2,203 |
Failures on Good deed 2 | 424 |
Failures on Good deed 3 | 567 |
Failures on Good deed 4 | 345 |
Failures on Good deed 5 | 57 |
Failures on Neutral deed 1 | 1,920 |
Failures on Neutral deed 2 | 589 |
Failures on Neutral deed 3 | 552 |
Failures on Neutral deed 4 | 316 |
Failures on Neutral deed 5 | 512 |
Fine items crafted | 511 |
Food fed to pets | 4,902 |
Forum posts | 1 |
Forum topics | 3 |
Free construction jobs taken | 6,566 |
Giant strengths cast | 16 |
Good items crafted | 560 |
Great items crafted | 390 |
Higher/lower payout | 418,748,824 |
Invites sent | 72 |
Items crafted | 6,434 |
Items damaged during travels | 164 |
Items found during travels | 229 |
Items given away | 1,078 |
Items improved | 5,336 |
Items obtained by deeds | 19 |
Items obtained raiding | 8,662 |
Items sold on the streets | 20,182 |
Items stolen | 21 |
Jousts matches held | 6 |
Jousts matches held in Southampton | 6 |
Legendary items crafted | 238 |
Logins | 35,621 |
Magic food conjured | 167,049 |
Magic shields cast | 70 |
Mana used | 24,214 |
Marketplace turnover | 189,117 |
Marriages conducted | 12 |
Medium items crafted | 803 |
Members dropped from their empire | 16 |
Members left their empire | 8 |
Minor shields cast | 23 |
Mistravels | 161 |
OK items crafted | 818 |
Paid construction jobs taken | 13,658 |
People cursed | 1 |
People gained haste | 1 |
People moved from hometown | 22 |
People murdered | 245 |
People robbed during travels | 165 |
People that became invisible | 209 |
Pets bought | 236 |
Pets found during travels | 75 |
Pets put for sale | 104 |
Pets put for sale in Liverpool | 55 |
Pets put for sale in York | 49 |
Pets refusing to travel | 179 |
Pets sold through the marketplace | 4 |
Pets tamed | 173 |
Poor items crafted | 1,231 |
Potions quaffed | 4 |
Prayed in Dover | 9,347 |
Prayed in Edinburgh | 1,833 |
Prayed to the Evil gods | 9,347 |
Prayed to the Good gods | 1,833 |
Promotions | 549 |
Proposals made | 23 |
Purses found during travels | 384 |
Quests completed | 3,436 |
Raid mission contributions | 74,591 |
Raid mission fails | 14,394 |
Raid missions completed | 20,458 |
Rated jousts matches held | 49 |
Referrals | 3 |
Resources gathered with Farming | 2,992 |
Resources gathered with Herb Collecting | 2,797 |
Resources gathered with Hunting | 16,220 |
Resources gathered with Mining | 214,413 |
Resources given away | 47,734 |
Resources put for sale | 240 |
Resources put for sale in Glasgow | 1 |
Resources put for sale in Liverpool | 239 |
Resources received during travels | 244 |
Resources sold on the streets | 90,579 |
Rock, paper, scissors ties | 5 |
Sabotages | 9,717 |
Sabotages in Birmingham | 359 |
Sabotages in Boston | 583 |
Sabotages in Bristol | 772 |
Sabotages in Carlisle | 2,038 |
Sabotages in Cork | 122 |
Sabotages in Dover | 1,819 |
Sabotages in Dublin | 110 |
Sabotages in Edinburgh | 865 |
Sabotages in Glasgow | 349 |
Sabotages in Liverpool | 533 |
Sabotages in London | 1,258 |
Sabotages in Norwich | 216 |
Sabotages in Southampton | 360 |
Sabotages in York | 333 |
Sacrifices in Dover | 1,721 |
Sacrifices in Edinburgh | 260 |
Sacrifices made to the Evil gods | 1,721 |
Sacrifices made to the Good gods | 260 |
Shouts made | 3,717 |
Skill points improved | 82,247 |
Skins tanned | 3,518 |
Successes on Evil deed 1 | 28,720 |
Successes on Evil deed 2 | 12,423 |
Successes on Evil deed 3 | 16,636 |
Successes on Evil deed 4 | 17,768 |
Successes on Evil deed 5 | 9,691 |
Successes on Good deed 1 | 18,611 |
Successes on Good deed 2 | 5,691 |
Successes on Good deed 3 | 11,126 |
Successes on Good deed 4 | 6,764 |
Successes on Good deed 5 | 913 |
Successes on Neutral deed 1 | 15,552 |
Successes on Neutral deed 2 | 8,385 |
Successes on Neutral deed 3 | 10,210 |
Successes on Neutral deed 4 | 5,802 |
Successes on Neutral deed 5 | 9,605 |
Suicides | 28 |
Superb items crafted | 393 |
Taxbuildings obtained | 3,204 |
Taxbuildings obtained during travels | 258 |
Taxes collected | 197,052,568 |
Taxes collected in Birmingham | 2,118,610 |
Taxes collected in Boston | 4,793,462 |
Taxes collected in Bristol | 16,071,460 |
Taxes collected in Carlisle | 88,436,138 |
Taxes collected in Cork | 1,270,041 |
Taxes collected in Dover | 46,664,842 |
Taxes collected in Dublin | 828,445 |
Taxes collected in Edinburgh | 5,286,649 |
Taxes collected in Glasgow | 704,368 |
Taxes collected in Liverpool | 3,287,924 |
Taxes collected in London | 16,968,325 |
Taxes collected in Norwich | 7,194,640 |
Taxes collected in Southampton | 1,835,898 |
Taxes collected in York | 1,591,766 |
Terrible items crafted | 1,215 |
Tickets created | 19 |
Tickets solved | 15 |
Total resources gathered | 236,422 |
Tournament prize money paid out | 1,380,000 |
Tournaments completed | 2 |
Travels made | 7,974 |
Travels made to Birmingham | 284 |
Travels made to Boston | 367 |
Travels made to Bristol | 485 |
Travels made to Carlisle | 1,662 |
Travels made to Cork | 103 |
Travels made to Dover | 1,969 |
Travels made to Dublin | 101 |
Travels made to Edinburgh | 489 |
Travels made to Glasgow | 139 |
Travels made to Liverpool | 367 |
Travels made to London | 1,338 |
Travels made to Norwich | 304 |
Travels made to Southampton | 194 |
Travels made to York | 172 |
Wall notes posted | 15 |
Weaknesses given | 1 |
Widowers created | 10 |
Widows created | 6 |
Wizards met during travels | 159 |
World balance | -94,672,922 |
World events occured | 3,488 |
Worth of empires started | 8,750,000 |
Worth of invites sent | 7,540,000 |
Worth of pets bought | 13,872,000 |