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Crafting Weapons/Armor

By Tuxedo Mask at 06 Sep 2016, 09:05:01

Could a blueprint system be implemented whereby players can increase the number of items that they can craft? Being limited to 3 weapons and a shield of 'common design' is a little bit disappointing.


By Andariel without a life at 07 Sep 2016, 09:37:40

On the topic of blueprints maybe add a new recipe drop from raids/quests upon completion? That might let you craft your own versions of items not limited to the metals.
Such as, x metal + y metal + x gemstone = Dragonhide Gloves.

By Tuxedo Mask at 07 Sep 2016, 10:27:40

That is a cool idea.

Going even further, Perhaps add additional metals and alloys that are created by mixing different metals to produce better gear.

so X IRON + X Coal ore +X gem = Steel etc.

In the case of some of the Trash items it would give us a use for them beyond selling them and extend the items we can craft further.

By Andariel without a life at 10 Sep 2016, 23:10:16

Could even impliment the other jobs a little more. I've been noticing that as a hunter I can get dragon scales. Maybe these could be used in recipies for blacksmithing as well? Create a proper use for all of the jobs rather than just x+x are for feeding animals only.
y is for smithing.

By Tuxedo Mask at 12 Sep 2016, 15:36:18

+1 to that. That would encourage players to work together to get different materials and create better items.

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