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Will: Transfer of Estate

By Tuxedo Mask at 02 Sep 2016, 12:42:01

So I was thinking about wills and inheritances etc.

could the Will system be enhanced a few steps further by giving us the ability to bequeath not just our wealth in coins but our accumulated goods to someone? So Items, resources, tax buildings etc. Perhaps even allow us to split it between a few different people.

I think it's a huge shame and waste to have all these tax buildings suddenly not paying anyone taxes :P


By Generous BlackSmith-Benny at 02 Sep 2016, 12:51:38

I like the idea, but at the same time I think it's a bad idea.
Death is pretty much the only way to remove items, resources and money from the game.
If everything just got passed over on death then there would end up being a tremendous amount of high end gear, resources and coins in the game making it very unbalanced. Every time a person dies they start all over. It would be game breaking if people could start over and retrieve all their items, resources and coins from a friend etc

By Tuxedo Mask at 02 Sep 2016, 12:55:05

Only items and possibly coin. Taxes aren't transferable from player to player. However...that could be an interesting economic development to the game. Buy, sell, trade different tax buildings...Maybe develop them further by making them produce certain resources instead of coins :P

Back to your point Benny, it's little different than what we have now with high level players stocking lower level friends with gear and cash from the outset, and empires funding their members skill training etc. via accumulated cash.

By Generous BlackSmith-Benny at 02 Sep 2016, 13:03:57

Yeah, but that takes time, effort and hard work right from the start. People still have to put the work in to get to that point. Where as you're idea would mean constant circulation rather than anything being removed. Which does happen, I.e when you're previous leader died. All her gear gone, her money gone, banked empire money gone. Hard work... Gone. That's a lot of gear and money that people are going to have to work towards getting back. Coins and items need to dissappear with death, otherwise stuff will never be removed. Everyone will have stupidly great items and monstrous amounts of coin. The game would be very unbalanced

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