Forum index Sacred Knights

Role play element : The Gods

By Generous BlackSmith-Benny at 26 Aug 2016, 16:32:57

I think it would be cool if "the gods" played a part in this game.
So far we have praying and alignment which basically means nothing. Just some pretty stats that do nothing.
How about we make them do something?

You pray to the God's to receive alignment. The more alignment you have the more "in favour" the God's are towards you. Bestowing random beneficial spells and affects on to you. Perhaps even random gifts if your alignment is high enough.

Quests could be added to further the favour of the God's.
"the God's have come to you in a dream and wish for you to do good deeds in london"
(do 25 good deeds in London to receive the God's favour.)
If you fail the quest then you receive a negative hit to your alignment. Meaning you can fall out of favour with the God's. In which case random curses and negative effects could be put on you by the God's.

There's a lot more that could be added to improve the idea

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