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(IDEA) Bringing back -ranking
By Old skool Superman- at 13 Dec 2017, 10:08:28
Idea: Bringing back -ranking
A couple of versions ago we had -ranking it was a bug at the time.
I think it would be fun to bring that back so people can rank down and get into a diffent top 5 of the version history.
In this case that would be top 5 worst players.
I dunno if it is possible to make this happen but I really hope it can happen next version.
PS: Let me know what you think and if you also think this is a good idea.
Also if you have an addition to my idea please place it here on the forum
Idea: Bringing back -ranking
A couple of versions ago we had -ranking it was a bug at the time.
I think it would be fun to bring that back so people can rank down and get into a diffent top 5 of the version history.
In this case that would be top 5 worst players.
I dunno if it is possible to make this happen but I really hope it can happen next version.
PS: Let me know what you think and if you also think this is a good idea.
Also if you have an addition to my idea please place it here on the forum
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